關於HIFU - 非手術性緊緻拉提療程
Nude Beautique, Hong Kong’s leading beauty centre, is here to help with one of the most innovative treatments on the market. Beloved by celebrities around the world, HIFU is the most advanced non-surgical face-lifting and contouring therapy that will shape your face without any downtime, needles or fillers.
Meaning High Intensity Focused Ultrasound, KFDA-approved HIFU therapy aims to iron out facial wrinkles, create a V-shaped jawline, and treat saggy skin — it’s a revolutionary and versatile treatment that provides immediate and long-lasting results.
Akin to a nonsurgical face lift, HIFU tightens and lifts sagging skin, while sculpts jawlines to create a flattering V-Shape face. It’s one of the most powerful treatments on the market.
How does it work? HIFU harnesses the trusted power of ultra waves that precisely target three key layers of skin: The Epidermis (1.5mm), Dermis (3mm) and Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System (4.5mm). As the deepest layer of skin, SMAS is the most crucial. This is where collagen production and tissue degradation occurs resulting in skin sagging.
By zapping collagen full of heat and energy, HIFU spurs and renews cell production. Results are immediately evident after the very first treatment and will continue to improve for the next 2 to 3 months. Your skin will look tighter, smoother, brighter and lifted — all the benefits of a facelift without any downtime or damage to your skin. For the lasting results, which can last up to 2 years,*
Furthering our commitment to quality and safety, Nude Beautique works with the best in the business: Cluederm’s Ulfit machine, from South Korea, produces ultra-effective results thanks to its cutting-edge design while being significantly more comfortable than other machines on the market.
* Results may vary depending upon individual.

Targeting Muscles To Tighten & Lift the Face Naturally

Obtain the Enviable V Shape Face With Sculpted Jawline

No Synthetics to Reveal the Most Natural Looking Face Lift

Sculpting Technique to Obtain Chiseled Cheeks, Sharper Jawline & Tighter Eye Area

Resulting in Tighter, Brighter, Radiant Skin

Results After Your 1st Treatment & Over the Following Months

Smoother, Firmer & Youthful Skin with Reduced Pores

Non Invasive, No Pain & No Needles Equals Zero Downtime

Targeting Muscles To Tighten & Lift the Face Naturally

Obtain the Enviable V Shape Face With Sculpted Jawline

No Synthetics to Reveal the Most Natural Looking Face Lift

Sculpting Technique to Obtain Chiseled Cheeks, Sharper Jawline & Tighter Eye Area

Resulting in Tighter, Brighter, Radiant Skin

Results After Your 1st Treatment & Over the Following Months

Smoother, Firmer & Youthful Skin with Reduced Pores

Non Invasive, No Pain & No Needles Equals Zero Downtime
Nude Beautique is committed to delivering superlative aesthetic services such as Ulfit HIFU which is the most advanced non-surgical solution that has passed various safety trials to be KFDA approved.
A leading HIFU system, Ulfit delivers superior results in a much shorter treatment time which also ensures significantly less pain compared to other systems on the market.
Clinically proven trials revealing results instantly in first session, with longer lasting effects that last up to 2 years with as little as 4 sessions. * Results may vary depending upon individual.
Say Bye Bye to Eye Bags and Wrinkles
Look more youthful and less tired with this celebrity-favourite treatment – the Exilis Ultra 360 Face The year end party season is just around the corner, which means it is time to put your best face forward for the celebrations! But if a year of…
HIFU緊緻拉提療程新發現 – 韓星美肌的秘密
打造V面輪廓和晶瑩剔透的玻璃肌,你可仿傚韓星,信賴正風靡全球的非侵入性美容療。 塑造媲美韓星的完美的肌膚和面部輪廓,即時見效,你可信賴由韓國風行到全球的HIFU(High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound)緊緻拉提療程。這種非侵入性的革命性美容療程,優點是效果迅速且持久,讓你出席佳節盛會或在生活任何時刻都保持明豔動人。正因如此,HIFU不但深受韓星歡迎,現更席捲香港 輕鬆打造韓星無妝「玻璃肌」 今時今日要塑造流行的「玻璃肌」,不少創新美容治療方式經已取代繁複的保健美容以及堆疊的化妝技術。與其塗脂抹粉掩飾臉上瑕疵,不如針對問題根源作改善,方法之一就是HIFU。HIFU是利用精準的超聲波技術,一次過對三個不同深度的皮膚進行修復,效果顯著。HIFU可針對肌膚最深層的部份,刺激膠原蛋白增生,令肌膚回復緊緻、幼滑,綻放光采。此外,HIFU亦能有效改善皮膚構造,可助收細毛孔及提升肌理,讓你即使無化妝,肌膚同樣晶瑩剔透。 塑造突出V面輪廓 要拍攝出效果理想的V面輪廓,再無需倚靠修圖軟件,因為HIFU可針對肌膚最深層組織,修復分解組織,從根源解決肌膚鬆馳下垂的問題。藉助HIFU刺激細胞產生新的膠原蛋白,肌膚可重拾緊緻,輪廓得以修復。治療同時能改善顴骨及整體面部輪廓,令V面效果美得更自然。 接受療程後無需時間復元 接受療程後,你大可安心趕赴下一個宴會或派對,而無需擔心療程帶來的副作例如皮膚紅腫或過敏。HIFU療程每次需時只約20至30分鐘,無阻你的繁忙日程安排,效果不但立竿見影,更可持續改善長達2至3個月,讓你保持時刻動人,活出自信。 Nude美肌專家秉承追求品質和安全的原則,療程只採用業界翹楚的南韓Cluederm Ulfit機,相比市面同類產品不但使用更舒適,且效果更顯著。為取得最佳且長達2年的持久效果,Nude美肌專家建議連續4個月內進行4次療程。 體驗美肌再生,以美麗面迎每一天,Nude美肌專家帶給你最安全和功效顯著的HIFU服務。點擊這裡獲取更多信息。 推廣優惠: 首次只需HK$2,388(原價 $8,000) HIFU服務僅於中環及尖沙咀分店內提供,請致電2868 9100預約。
用後感: ELEMIS骨膠原海洋特效抗皺精華 – 一瓶媲美整容功效的護膚品
Nude美肌專家現已出售ELEMIS全新的骨膠原海洋特效抗皺精華,有效抗皺及回復青春的光芒。 作為抗衰老護膚產品的先驅,ELEMIS最近推出了全新強大的美容產品。這個世界知名的英國品牌通過嚴格的測試和臨床研究, 早已在開發創新產品和高效能面部護理療程方面建立聲譽。 正如您所料,該品牌的骨膠原海洋特效抗皺精華使用了一個超效能的配方,臨床證明可以減少細紋和皺紋。凝膠狀液體質感像牛油,泵送減少皺紋的活性成分到你的皮膚,平滑及濕潤肌膚。 相對於填充劑或肉毒桿菌,骨膠原海洋特效抗皺精華是有效及價格較為平易近的替代品,豐滿,光滑和明亮肌膚,不用施針及動手術亦可看見效果。憑著品牌在美容界25年的卓越表現,此精華很快便成為了其中一項最暢銷的產品,Nude 美肌專家幸運地是香港少數能代理ELEMIS產品的美容中心之一。 這一切都歸咎於產品的關鍵成分:三肽,非洲樺樹皮,紅海藻和padina pavonica (地中海藻類,臨床證明可以改善皮膚的彈性和緊緻度)。此精華還含有高效的透明質酸,這是存在皮膚中的天然成分,負責鎖緊水分及對抗衰老。為補充額外的水分,ELEMIS還添加了含豐富奧米加的山茶花油,使皮膚看起來更光滑,豐滿和年輕。 這瓶可媲美整容功效的護膚品在Nude美肌專家中環和銅鑼灣的分店均有售。 Nude 致力引進行內優秀的產品和面部護理療程,成為香港首批提供ELEMIS獲獎產品和面部護理服務的美容中心之一。 Nude美肌專家的理念是採用有效果的產品和面部護理療程,引入像ELEMIS如此優質及有聲譽的護膚品牌產品當然是不二之選。作為香港最好的美容中心,Nude美肌專家不斷更新美容療程的內容,用品和儀器,以提供市場上最創新和優質的體驗。 如果你喜愛骨膠原海洋特效抗皺精華,那麼你也愛上Nude引入ELEMIS超有效的面部護理服務。想疲勞的皮膚恢復活力,當然要嘗試ELEMIS 的BIOTEC面部護理系列。Nude熟練的治療師會先為你進行個人諮詢,分析你的生活方式和皮膚狀況,然後推薦最合適你的面部護理服務 – 無論是BIOTEC 亮肌療程,BIOTEC敏感皮膚療程或BIOTEC Firm-a-Lift療程,高科技療程使用創新的面部貼圖技術,都能達到即時可見的改善效果。 Nude還提供Elemis其他的面部護理,包括超級食物專業亮澤療程,洞力換膚療程,膠原蛋白抗衰老療程和色素美白美容療程。每個治療都是個人化的,使用強大的ELEMIS產品和最先進的技術,並獲得臨床試驗中證明,提升你的皮膚到更好的狀態。 想要知道更多關於Elemis面部護理的資訊, 請點擊這裡。
奇蹟療程:隆重介紹Elemis Biotec Facial
您可能有聽說過有關Elemis Biotec Facial的傳言,請撇開您的懷疑,全因這款最先進、最見效的facial,能為您帶來比其他facial更好的功效。 貴為全球首屈一指的專業皮膚護理品牌,Elemis不斷追求創新,研發更先進的產品,經臨床實驗證實。以Elemis的Biotec facial系列為例:這個系列裡的每款facial都是特別為應付不同皮膚的問題而設,如膚色暗啞、面部浮腫、粉刺、皮膚枯燥和色斑等等。 Elemis Biotec結合了植物精華素與嶄新科技,是最新改革的美顏技術。這種先進的科技分別利用了五種技術,包括:超聲波、微電流、原電流、注氧和LED燈療法,增加皮膚彈性及撫平皺紋。每款facial都是不同,視乎您個人的皮膚狀況而定。 在Nude 美肌專家完成首次咨詢後,我的美容師Caroline選用Biotec亮膚更生facial來對付我粗糙暗沉的皮膚。Biotec亮膚更生facial是Elemis Biotec 7個facial內的其中一種,整個療程為時75分鐘。療程開始時,美容師會先塗上由九種不同種類的精油混合而成的潔面霜,過程令我十分放鬆。 然後,美容師用超聲波棒去除我的死皮,這有助改善色素和撫平細紋。說到「超聲波」,您可能會以為這部份會很痛,其實感覺就像搔癢一樣。美容師其後會為我針清,通常這是整個療程我最不喜歡的一部份,因為可能會令皮膚變紅和留痕,但我的美容師技術很好,以上兩樣情況都沒有發生。 再次清洗後,美容師為我敷上面膜,這片面膜包含豐富的鎂、鋅、維他命A及E,有助補充水份、深層滋潤、排毒和補給營養。面膜會在10分鐘內慢慢收緊。與此同時,美容師會按摩我的肩膀、手臂和頸部。然後,美容師為我換上另外一片充滿接骨木和橙花香味的水凝胶面膜。 美容師利用Biotec的微電流在凝胶面膜上釋放負離子,這有助去除皮膚上的污垢和毒素。然後,轉用正離子將活肌精華注射到我的毛孔內。我本來以為過程會有點痛,但其實只有金屬接觸到皮膚的感覺。 除掉面膜前,我的美容師以雙手合十祈禱的方式幫我按摩,把剩下的美容產品塗在我的皮膚上,然後再用爽膚水和眼霜慢慢推拍在我的臉上,這個過程只需數分鐘。最後,美容師用Elemis海洋膠原乳霜輕輕在我臉上按摩,這款乳霜以地中海一種叫粉團扇藻的海藻提煉而成,功效極好。 這次facial有效嗎?坦白說,這次facial的功效是所有我試過的facial中最好的一次。我的皮膚看起來和摸起來都極好,即使沒有化妝,我的皮膚依然可以連續幾天保持容光煥發,就連黑眼圈都消失了,真是奇蹟! 香港很少美容中心提供Elemis Biotec Facial,但Nude 美肌專家最新的分店──分別位於蘭桂坊和尖沙咀,都有提供這項服務。 想知道更多關於Nude Facial的資訊, 請點擊這裡.

HIFU is completely safe: Ultrasound has been used in medical treatments for more than 50 years. There are no serious adverse effects reported following a HIFU facelift.
After a HIFU treatment, you may experience swelling, redness, tenderness, bruising, lumps and pain however most should resolve within 2-7 days.
Every person is different but, for most people, our Ulfit HIFU is not very painful compared to other HIFU machines such as Ulthera. If you have a low pain tolerance, the feeling can be more intense. Those with metal fillings or braces on their teeth, might feel a slight sting around the mouth. Following treatment, it is normal to feel sore or slightly achy, especially in bony areas.
Ulfit provides a 2-in- 1 face-lifting system that’s faster, more targeted, safer and significantly more comfortable than other machines on the market. Fast and effective, Ulfit’s face adapters sends powerful ultrasound shots quicker, resulting in less pain and better results.
As a precaution, we advise customers to avoid sun-bathing and any physical activities that could increase your skin’s temperature for at least 2 days — this includes laser hair removal and waxing. It’s best to wait at least 72 hours before scheduling a laser or waxing treatment.
HIFU is extremely effective in targeting the jowls, jawline, under eyes, cheeks, forehead, eyebrows and neck. It not only tightens and lifts, but also provide a smoother texture and smaller pores.
HIFU can also be used to slim the body in areas such as tummy, love handles, arms, legs and back.
After just one Ulfit HIFU treatment, you will notice immediate improvement. Saggy skin will appear lifted, firmer, more refreshed — and feel smoother too. But the results don’t stop there: In the next 2 to 3 months, collagen will continue to regenerate under the surface and, in most cases, the lifting effect will reach its peak around 3 months after the treatment.
HIFU is extremely efficient, so you can be in and out over your lunch break. A total face and neck treatment takes about 30-45 minutes, depending on the client.
During your first HIFU treatment, you might experience slight discomfort as the therapist uses the hand-held Ulfit device to massage your skin and inject sound waves deep into your foundational SMAS layer.
Almost like an electric current, HIFU feels like a warm pulsing sensation along the cheeks, jawline and neck. There might be some sensitivity near your mouth and neck, where nerve endings are located or where it’s closer to the bone.
Even though results are seen in just 1 session it will fade within weeks or months, hence multiple sessions are needed for longer lasting results to up to 2 years. The majority of our clients will need just 4 sessions — one per month for four months. After 4 treatments, your skin will show lasting results for up to 2 years*. Others may need 1-2 extra sessions, depending on the face’s initial condition, its response to the treatment and the speed of the collagen production.
HIFU targets multiple depths of the skin which is ideal for those who want a lift, tightened skin, reduced fat and rebuild of the face shape and contour (especially if you desire the V Shape face).
Ultra 360 is ideal for those who wish to reduce deep wrinkles or creases, eye bags as well as pore tightening and smooth skin tone.
HIFU is ideal for customers who are between 25 and 70 years old. As the technology is widely versatile, our skilled and experienced therapists can tailor the HIFU treatment to meet your needs.
The treatment however is not suitable for customers with the following conditions:
– open wounds or lesions on the face, pregnant or breastfeeding, severe or cystic acne,
– have any metal stents/implants in the face or neck, bio-absorbable mechanical implants, implantable electrical devices,
– active systemic or local skin disease that may affect wound healing
– heart disease, hypersensitiveness, hypertrophic scarring, hemostatic dysfunction, herpes simplex, autoimmune diseases and disorders, diabetes or epilepsy, or anticoagulant (blood thinners).
We suggest that you let your skin cool down (if it feels warm) before applying any makeup. In the meantime, we encourage you to apply SPF35+ sunblock, and reapply every 2 hours, to protect your skin.
Most HIFU treatments will see peak results after roughly 3 months, but results can last up to 2 years* with an appropriate therapy schedule. HIFU is not a permanent solution because we are continually aging.
Usually after 2 years when the effects have worn off, we don’t recommend a once off maintenance session as it only last 2-3 months only. Instead it is advised to start a new round of HIFU treatments. Here’s a general idea of what to expect.
Facial Recommendation:
• First 4 sessions in 1-month intervals
• Maximum 6 treatments per year
• After a year or two, if you need HIFU again then another 4-6 sessions in 1 intervals.
Other than taking off all your metal jewelry; you don’t need to do anything special before a HIFU Treatment. However, there are some precautions that every customer should be aware of.
Before your treatment:
• No fillers injected before the treatment
• Alert the therapist if you have any skin conditions, any metal fillings or braces or any other medical conditions
Due to HIFU’s deep penetration of the skin, we advise customers to avoid some beauty treatments incorporating Ultrasound, Radiofrequency, injections and any laser.
Since HIFU heats up the deepest layer of your skin and injects collagen with new energy, it’s important to avoid the sun or any activity that could irritate skin for at least 2 days. We highly recommend:
• SPF35 or higher every 2 hours & keep skin moisturized with anti-aging products
• Avoid using glycolic or deep-cleansing products.
• Avoid vigorous exercise for at least 2 days to avoid irritation
• No sun exposure or high heat treatments for 2 weeks
• Avoid chewing gum if jaw is sore
• Ask your therapist before booking other beauty treatments, such as laser hair removal or waxing, as these treatments could affect your skin. Below is the recommended time gap before or after HIFU:
14 Days – Ultrasound
1 Month – Laser, IPL, Micro-needle, Radio Frequency, Peeling, Lactic Acid Injections
2 Months – Fillers injections
HKD | |
Full Face & Neck | $8,000 |
Full Face | $7,200 |
Please book a Complimentary Consultation with us at 2868 9100 so we can assist you in the best possible treatment and package tailored to your specific needs.
귀하에게 가장 적합한 최고의 트리트먼트와 패키지를 제공할 수 있도록, 2868 9100로 전화해서 무료 상담을 예약하세요.
HK$2,388 HIFU Full Face Lift Trial
Package of 4 Treatments for Only HK$20,000 (save almost 40% off)