As Hong Kong’s leading beauty centre, Nude recognises the incredible power of a perfect pair of beautifully defined eyebrows and dark, fluttery eyelashes. With our highly trained therapists and exclusive premium products, visit us today to define your brows and lashes today.

Mascara & Make Up Pencils No Longer Needed

Darker Defined Brows & Longer Looking Lashes

Tinting Can Last Up to 4 Weeks!
Premium Brands
Nude use Belmacil, a trusted Australian tinting brand proven to safe and long-lasting with an array of colours.
Superior Technique
Expert training to international standard techniques to ensure you get the best tint every time.
Customer Service
Our customers are our priority. We pride ourselves on strict hygienic policies and excellent customer service.
5 Beauty Tips Before The Party Season
Look and feel your best during the year-end holidays with these five easy beauty hacks that are perfect for the season of joy. As 2019 draws to a close, it is time to take stock of an eventful year and indulge in some celebrations. Whether…
角蛋白美睫 vs 植睫毛
角蛋白美睫是目前最具話題性的療程。就讓我們來告訴你,角蛋白美睫如何能打造一雙精靈的明眸,讓你時刻綻放動人神彩。 光澤動人的眼睫毛,是無數女士的夢想,卻非大部份人可擁有。即使睫毛天生短小粗疏、欠缺彈力,我們也有方法讓它們看起來自然迷人,而且效果可持續數星期,甚至數月。 你或許聽過植睫毛,但Nude Beautique現在要介紹的卻是最新的角蛋白美睫技術。這項嶄新的睫毛提升技術之所以瘋魔全城,全因這療程不會對睫毛造成傷害或脫落,卻可令睫毛自然捲曲上翹,省卻使用睫毛夾、睫毛液或貼假睫毛的煩瑣。 就讓我們為你介紹角蛋白美睫與植睫毛的差異。 有何分別? 植睫毛 – These are individual fibers that are glued to your own eyelashes to make them appear longer and fuller. 角蛋白美睫 – A lash lift is a new and improved version of a perm to…
正當你忙於準備迎接一份生命中的喜悅到來,切勿忘記騰出時間,揀選適當的美容療程好好呵護自己。 我們明白,小生命的降臨讓你有太多事費心,特別是從踏入懷孕後期直至生產的一刻。但不論多忙,也總要給自己留一點寶貴的私人時間,因為當小寶寶誕生後,更多的挑戰將令你應接不暇。愛自己多一點,以下三種產前療程是我們為所有準媽媽精心挑選。 美容療程 由進入醫院的一刻開始,你的一舉一動都會成為身邊人鏡頭捕捉的焦點。要無時無刻保持容光煥發,卻不想面上整日都被化妝品佔據,何不徹底讓面部解放?只須在預產當天前一星期接受一次徹底的面部療程,便可確保住醫期間面部肌膚保持最佳狀態。你也可向我們專業的美容師要求為肌膚作重點保濕之餘,同時清除面部暗瘡、粉刺和黑頭,令你時刻散發動人神采,上鏡更明豔照人。 植眼睫毛及眉毛護理 要令面部輪廓瞬間變得鮮明,最有效方法之一便是透過眉毛和眼睫毛護理。同時採用眉毛染色和植眼睫毛兩種護理項目,便可省下化妝的時間,輕鬆打造飄逸迷人的眉毛和雙睫,令你任何時候例如是剛生完或早上起牀,都能充滿自信、魅力四射。 巴西式比堅尼熱蠟脫毛 約臨盤前一星期,可安排接受巴西式比堅尼熱蠟脫毛,並視乎你的喜好,選擇一絲不留,或留下小撮齊整的毛髮。預先脫毛可免卻你被送入產房時,因為在你比堅尼位置的毛髮妨礙醫生觀察,而須即場被剪掉。此外,利用巴西式比堅尼熱蠟脫毛可確保你的比堅尼位置光滑無瑕,方便生產後較容易保持清潔衛生。 Nude美肌專家提供一站式服務,讓你只須一次預約,便同時同地點享用各項產前療程及美容護理服務,體驗無盡貼心。
著色101: 喚醒你的眼睫毛
您總是幻想著自己每天起床、匆忙出門,仍能像名人一樣吸引人?我們有個秘密,將改善您整個早上的習慣。拋開您手上的睫毛液 — 因為你不再需要它了! 早安,美麗的!您必定聽說過﹕眼睛是我們的靈魂之窗,更是別人第一次遇見您會先注意到的。 每天早上花三十分鐘,把睫毛打造得如為紅地毯準備的模樣嗎?我們不希望是第一個告知您的人,但三十分鐘實在是太久了。雖然美麗的雙眸能留下深刻的第一印象,但這並不意味著需要每天長時間的打扮。 Nude 美肌專家,貴為香港最受歡迎的美容中心,為您提供眉毛和睫毛上色服務,讓您節省冗長的打扮時間。一些名人 — 金·卡達夏 (Kim Kardashian) 及席琳娜·戈梅茲 (Selena Gomez) 就是擁有「平日與工作無差異」的樣貌,全靠定期著色以突顯她們的自然美和臉部輪廓。 我們無可否認金·卡達夏(Kim Kardashian) 天生麗質的優勢,但金色和紅色毛髮的人最能帶出睫毛著色的效果。我們以一些擁有自然紅、灰、金和淺啡色毛髮的名人作例子,例如是珍妮佛·安妮斯頓 (Jennifer Aniston) 和卡拉·迪樂芬妮 (Cara Delevingne) 。 於著色服務後,大部份擁有淺色毛髮的客戶對既完整又長的睫毛效果讚嘆不已。因為她們的眼睫毛和眉毛普遍較為淺色,令到那些看似無形的眼睫毛難以單單用睫毛液補救。 無論您擁有金色或深啡色毛髮,睫毛著色突出每一根自然的睫毛 — 將帶給你前所未有的效果。在每個時刻,不論是剛起床或是睡覺,你的眼睫毛不單止看起來更長,而且睫毛上色相比假眼睫毛和睫毛液更是自然。 睫毛上色是完全無痛的,而整個服務需時約15-30分鐘。對上色感到擔心?請放心,每種半永久性的植物染料都是為您的睫毛定制混合的,從淺至金色、棕至深棕的毛髮,我們都能提供著色服務,當中以金色和紅色毛髮的人最能帶出睫毛著色的效果。其後的三至六星期,只需好好享受您那既濃密又厚的睫毛。 一個與睫毛上色完美的互補服務 — 眉毛著色,這是另一個名人深愛的秘密。一對迷人的拱型眉毛能徹底改變您的外貌,突出您的輪廓以及平衡臉部結構。 您不再需要眉筆去塑造完美的外貌﹕眉毛著色令您的雙眸更加突出,定制混合的色彩絕對是適合你的髮色和膚色。 其實,眉毛和睫毛上色服務並非女士的專利。很多男士亦喜歡眉毛上色服務—令其眉毛即使不常保養仍能保持輪廓鮮明。 …
Not at all as Nude employs experienced technicians and uses the best tinting products in the business. Belmacil, an internationally trusted Australian brand, is vegetable-based, semi-permanent, and safe to be applied on the extremely delicate eye area.
What’s more, Belmacil only uses 3% peroxide compared to regular tinting products which are 20% peroxide or higher and can cause lasting damage your lashes and brows.
Eyebrow tinting takes 10-15 minutes while eyelash tinting can take up to 30 minutes.
Tinting typically lasts about 4 weeks, depending on the person. We usually recommend that clients book a monthly treatment to maintain the colour of the tint.
No, the tint will not make the lashes additionally heavier causing them to droop. For semi-permanently curling lashes, click here to discover Lash Lift which lifts your lashes and includes a lash tint for longer, dramatic lashes for up to 10 weeks!
Tinting works on any hair colour, however it is less obvious on very dark hair. Our tint shades range from a light blonde to a violet-black, which is darker than black and blue-black. Our therapists can also customise any colour to complement your skin tone and hair colour.
Yes, you can as the amount of tint that gets absorbed into the body is extremely small. Our dye from Belmacil only uses 3% peroxide compared to other tinting brands that use over 20% peroxide.
You will just need to remove all of your eye makeup and contact lenses, when coming in for tinting. Of course, if you forget, we can remove it for you!
Giving the dye longer to settle is the best way to make your tint last longer. Avoid getting your lashes or brows wet for 12 hours after having them tinted. Cleanse around the eye area with a gentle product and avoid cleanser or eye makeup remover that is oil-based.
HKD | |
Eyebrow Tinting 눈썹 염색 | $190 |
Eyelash Tinting 속눈썹 염색 | $250 |
Eyebrow & Eyelash Tinting 눈썹&속눈썹 염색 | $400 |